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Are you interested in knowing jamb change of course closing date? If so, then you are in the right page. Feel relaxed and make sure you read it to the end.

jamb change of course closing date

When Is Change Of Course Closing? Where Can I Do Change Of Course? Has JAMB Change Of Course Started? Can I Still Do Change Of Course 2022? Is Change Of Course form Still Available? How Much Will It Cost To Do Change Of Course? Can I Do Change Of Course Online?

JAMB Change Of Course Form 2022/2023
Is JAMB Change Of Course Form Out?


JAMB change of Course form 2022/2023 is Officially out on

This means that Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has opened the PORTAL for change of Course correction.

In this wise, UTME candidates who are interested in changing from their old course to a new course can now effect changes.

This further means that JAMB has started selling Change of Course Form for 2022/2023

Please note that you can not do JAMB change of Course Online or by yourself.

How Much Is JAMB Change Of Course?
The management of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced Three Thousand Five Hundred Naira (N2,500) as the latest cost Price for 2022 change of Course Form.

This means that the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board change of Course Form 2022 sales at Twi Thousand Five Hundred Naira (N2,500).

Requirements For JAMB Course 2022

  • Your JAMB profile Email and Password
  • JAMB Registration Number
  • Phone Number
  • JAMB profile code
  • Money
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How To Do JAMB Change Of Course 2022/2023
How To Apply for jamb change of course:

  • Walk into any nearest JAMB Office or JAMB
  • Accredited Centre Near you
  • Request For JAMB Change of course Form
  • Make Payment of N3,500, I know while reading this… some of you would be wondering why there is additional #1000 to it, relax let me explain to you… the additional money is for the bank charges from the portal and the charges of the person that will attend to you.Hope we are clear now?
  • Choose your Preferrable courses.
  • Fill out the form And Submit
  • Thumbprint
  • After completing the form and thumbprinting, the JAMB officer attending to you will process the change of course via the JAMB CAPS portal.
  • Finally, get your JAMB change of course print out

Can JAMB Change Of Course Be Done Twice?

JAMB Change Of course can be DONE TWICE!

READ ALSO:FEDPONAM Post UTME Form for 2022/2023


Many candidates have been asking about the closing date for the JAMB change of course and institution. At the moment, there is no general official closing date for the 2022 JAMB change of course and institution. JAMB change of course and institution closing date for 2022/2023 admission has not been announced.

At the moment, there is NO official deadline for the process. According to JAMB, the process will still be on until the end of the admission process due to the following reasons;

There are moments whereby candidates who chose a particular institution will not have the opportunity to be admitted to such institutions and another institution may be in the position to offer such candidates admission. If the process of change of course and institution happens to have closed by then, it means that such candidates will not have the choice to change to the institution(s) that wish to offer them admission.
It will help strengthen JAMB statistics. So that when JAMB is giving an account of admission of candidates, accurate statistics will be presented and not distorted data like in previous years. If a candidate for instance chooses the University of Ibadan and later considers EKSU, the statistics will reflect the second choice. Instead of the two schools.
It will also avoid the case whereby candidates will have multiple admission.
Candidates are therefore advised not to panic but rather take their time to make the decision of the suitable course and institution to change to that will give them a good chance of securing admission.


However, some schools can instruct JAMB to stop candidates from changing to them. Top schools like UNIBEN, UI, UNILORIN, UNIPORT etc usually stop candidates from changing to them once it is maybe a week to the deadline for Post-UTME registration or once they have concluded the screening exercise.

Once a school decides not to accept more candidates, the school will direct JAMB to remove its name from the list of schools a candidate can change to on the JAMB portal. Once this is done, candidates will no longer be able to change to that school.

So if the school you intend to change to is a competitive one, it is usually advisable that you do the change on time. At least two weeks before the deadline for the Post-UTME screening of that school so that your details can reflect on their postal before the deadline. If not, you may not be able to register for the screening exercise in that school.

Candidates who wished to change their choice of course or institution are therefore advised to think properly, before doing so to avoid irregularities.

You can also request appointments with the JAMB office to do your change of institutions and courses. JAMB offices will open nationwide, as soon as all JAMB results are released, for candidates to solve one problem or the others, including the change of institutions and courses.

You may also want to observe the compulsory COVID-19 protocol before visiting the nearest JAMB office if you want to be attended to.

More so…

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JAMB Change of institutions goes with the change of courses and other data. This means, while changing the institutions, you can also change courses, dates of birth, gender, state/local government. This will be counted as one change. But if you change them separately, it will be counted as two.
Meanwhile, you’re NO MORE limited to one change this year 2022. In other words, if you do change once, you could keep changing from one institution or course to the other if you can afford to pay for it UP TO THREE OR MORE TIMES. I explained this in detail in my post, “How to Do Change Institutions/Courses the Third or More Times”.
Change of name, and date of birth can only be done at a CBT center though. Cafes can only change institutions. courses, State, Local government, and Gender ONLY IF THEY CONNECT WITH AN ACCREDITED CBT CENTRES – which is unofficial.

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