Advanced higher biology course specification

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Advanced higher biology course specification.Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their cellular structure, metabolism, plant and animal systems , development and evolution.

Advanced higher biology

This course contains 3 units:

Cells and Proteins
Organisms and Evolution
Investigative Biology
Each unit will be assessed continually in class, through the use of past paper based homework and an A-D level class test and SQA assessment.

The Advanced Higher Biology Course focuses on the areas of cells and proteins, organisms and evolution, and investigative biology. Learners develop a sound theoretical understanding and practical experience of experimental investigative work in biological science, and develop their ability to carry out complex practical scientific activities.

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The elements of the Course are Knowledge and Understanding, Analytical Thinking Skills and Scientific Literacy.

National 3

Including biodiversity, interdependence, body systems and cells and inheritance
The Course covers relevant and contemporary areas of biology, while allowing learners to develop an understanding of the underlying themes. The concepts of biodiversity, interdependence, body systems and cells and inheritance are developed through the Course. In addition, learners will recognise the impact biology makes on their lives, on the lives of others, on the environment and on society.

National 4

Covering the major areas of biology including cellular, whole organism and ecosystems.
The key areas of biodiversity, interdependence, body systems and cells and inheritance are developed through the Course. It enables learners to recognise the impact that biology has on society and the environment. Learners develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills, scientific analytical thinking skills and the ability to use scientific literacy in a range of contexts.

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National 5

The National 5 Biology Course covers major areas of biology including cellular, whole organism and ecosystems.
The course content includes the following areas of biology:
Cell biology – The key areas covered are: cell structure; transport across cell membranes; DNA and the production of proteins; proteins; genetic engineering; respiration.
Multicellular organisms – The key areas covered are: producing new cells; control and communication; reproduction; variation and inheritance; transport systems — plants; transport systems — animals; absorption of materials.
Life on Earth – The key areas covered are: ecosystems; distribution of organisms; photosynthesis; energy in ecosystems; food production; evolution of species

Course Reports are a valuable resource for those delivering National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses as they contain information that can help you, the teacher or lecturer, prepare candidates for future assessment. It is helpful to read your subject course report in conjunction with the published course assessment documents and marking instructions.

The Higher Biology Course offers a broad and up-to-date selection of concepts and ideas relevant to the central position of life science within our society.
Learners develop a deeper understanding of the underlying themes of biology — evolution and adaptation; structure and function; genotype and niche — and the scale of topics ranges from molecular through to whole organism and beyond.
Learners develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills, scientific analytical thinking and evaluation skills, and the ability to understand and use scientific literacy to communicate ideas and issues.

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