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Are you interested in knowing advantages of polytechnic over university? If so, then this article is for you. Feel relaxed and make sure you read it to the end.

advantages of polytechnic over university

Arguments usually come up between polytechnic and university graduates on who receive more quality training in school.

When you consider some factors, you will realize that polytechnic graduates have an edge over university BSc holders.

In Nigeria, there are three types of higher institutions namely the College of Education, Polytechnic and University. But the strongest argument is centered more between polytechnics and universities. Most of the arguments are based on the effectiveness of one institution over the other. I am however, here to give points on why Polytechnics are better than universities.


1. Simplicity of Learning The OND and HND style of learning enables a lot of students to have a feeling of casualness and helps them in having gradual advance in education. Some might not have the money to pay all their education expenses at once and need to have breaks in their stages of learning to raise the money. The OND degree acquired will even be a better avenue for getting a better job. This is unlike Nigerian universites where you can only apply for Leave of Absence which lasts for just one year. I have seen cases of people who after acquiring OND, vested capital into a business and later came back to finish their Higher National Diploma courses

2. Development of dexterity It is general knowledge that Polytechnics offer a style of lecturing that is operational {Involves more of practice} and the students more liable to have confidence in getting jobs and executing them well. For instance, an Engineering student with a National Diploma degree has more experience in the operations of machines than a university student who is limited more to theory and will most likely perform better in the field.

3. Lack of Difficulty of Securing Admission It is easier to gain admission into a polytechnic than a university. A lot of people have wasted years trying to acquire university admission all to no avail and in the process forgetting that Polytechnics have made it less difficult to enter. With no more than two applications, the worries of admission would have been overcome

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4. Lower Fees Nowadays, universities charge higher than polytechnics. This is usually common with state universities. I remember in 2014, if not for the protests by LASU students, fees would have been permanently jacked up to 250,000 naira. How many students can afford that? This is very very unusual with a polytechnic as fees remain stable throughput the sessions

5. Lecture Halls For Conducive Learning The state of many lecture halls is appaling as many are not suited for congestion. This is the reverse in polytechnics as lecture halls are better positioned and well spaced in order to create a suitable environment for learning and assimilation

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6. Ease of Toggling Between Environments of Study Anyone can easily study two courses in different polytechnics at same time. It doesn’t even matter if they are in different states.
The polytechnic and the university are two types of post-secondary institutions. The difference between them is quite significant, and it all lies in the educational experience they offer.

Polytechnics are mainly technical institutes, but their programs can sometimes include arts or sciences. Many polytechnic students are in a work-study program where they complete coursework while they work for a company to gain real world experience.

In polytechnics, you will earn two awards:
National Diploma: This is the first stage of polytechnic education. It’s a two-year programme if admitted through JAMB or daily part-time. A three-year programme if admitted for a regular Part-time. See the Difference Between DPT and FT Programmes?
Higher National Diploma: This is the second stage of polytechnic education. You go for this after ND and one-year industrial Training (IT). It’s equivalent to BSC. It can also be in the form of a daily part-time or regular part-time course.

Whereas, Bsc is usually a 4-year course starting from year one to the final year. Certain courses such as engineering, agriculture and medical can be 5 years or more.


Polytechnics May Be Better Than Universities

If we must be unbiased, we have to look at areas where polytechnics can be better than universities.
Polytechnics are generally meant for engineering courses and are well equipped for this. If you prefer engineering courses such as mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics engineering etc, your best chase should be polytechnics. Polytechnics are usually well equipped for these courses.
Polytechnics (ND) graduates can start working with the national diploma before proceeding to the Higher National Diploma (HND) level. Universities won’t be able to do the same until they complete their 4 or 5 years courses.
Polytechnics seem to expose students to more practical experiences than universities. At the ND level, you go for SIWES and later IT – which gives you more practical exposure. University students only go for IT usually at 300 level.
Having enough practical experience encourages more polytechnic graduates to start their own businesses or firms after school.

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Eight (8) advantages of HND over BSc

Below are the advantages of polytechnic graduates over university graduates;

1. Affordable school fees

Most polytechnic in Nigeria charge less than N40,000 as tuition fee, thereby making education affordable to people. While universities charge over N80,000, making education out of the reach of poor. Such Universities include; ESUT, LASU, EKSU, and many others.

2. Job opportunity

Most job openings in Nigeria are designed to fit only for National Diploma and HND holders. So, there are more jobs for polytechnic graduates than university graduates.

3. Change of study and environment

It is possible to change your course of study after obtaining your National Diploma. For example; you can obtain your ND in a particular State and continue your HND in another State. You can also go further to study in the university if you like.

4. Easy admission

Admission into polytechnic is less competitive to compare to university. There are many people who have been seeking for admission in university for over 5 years without any success.

5. Quick Certificate

You can get National Diploma (ND) just within 2 years, and many have succeeded with their ND results. So, you must not have to study for 5 years before you can start earning salary with your Certificate.

6. Equal Certificate

All polytechnic results have equal value whether private or government. While university certificate are not equal. For example, Federal Universities Certificate is more valuable and wanted than that of State and Private universities.

7. Admission by Merits

Getting admission in some universities is mainly by money and connection. You may need to pay money or connected to someone before you can get admission into university. But in polytechnic admission is by merit. Candidate who performed well will definitely get admission offer regardless of the course and the school.

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8. Conversion of Certification

Polytechnic graduates can convert their HND to B.Sc if they like, but such option is not available for B.Sc holders as they are restricted to their degree Certificate.

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Polytechnic graduates with a National Diploma (ND) certificate can also decide to start working before furthering their education.

Also, polytechnic graduates earn two awards, National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) certificates.

The Higher National Diploma certificate is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.

Since the programmes are divided into two, polytechnic students have better opportunity to change their environment of study.
They can decide to obtain their Higher National Diploma certificate from another polytechnic or to even continue their programme in the university!

Polytechnic students can decide to take a break and relocate to another region to further their studies. Unfortunately, university students do not have the opportunity to do the same.

Polytechnics usually teach students by deploying practical approaches.
Students are privileged to gain more practical experiences as compared to their counterparts in the university.

SIWES and IT organized by the institution also provide students with better practical exposure. For example, in the university, students usually observe their IT in their third year.

Polytechnic graduates are able to start their own business after completing their programme because of the practical knowledge acquired.
With the experience gained from practical skills in the polytechnic, they can become successful entrepreneurs compared to university graduates.


It is easier to gain admission to a polytechnic than a university.
We have scenarios of candidates applying countlessly to universities and spending years in this process without being able to gain admission.

This is quite different for polytechnics. Therefore, candidates can easily gain admission into polytechnics without much hassle.

Polytechnic school fees are more affordable than the university, especially private universities that charge exorbitant fees per session.

Polytechnics are ideal for candidates seeking admission to study engineering-related courses such as electrical and electronics engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and a host of others.

These courses are better taught in polytechnics than in universities.

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