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10 Best Polytechnics To Study Banking and Finance in Nigeria

Best Polytechnics To Study Banking and Finance in Nigeria

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So you’ve got a head full of numbers, a heart that beats for financial wizardry, and a dream of navigating the  Nigerian banking and finance department.

Choosing the right polytechnic to equip you for this thrilling journey can feel like picking the perfect key for a treasure lock.

Worry not, aspiring financier, for this article is your treasure map, guiding you through the top 10 polytechnics in Nigeria that’ll turn your financial dreams into tangible realities.

Here Are Top10 Best Polytechnics To Study Banking and Finance in Nigeria:


1. Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH):

This Lagos-based giant needs no introduction. Established in 1947, YABATECH boasts a rich legacy of producing financial titans. Its HND Banking and Finance program is renowned for its rigorous curriculum, industry-linked internships, and stellar graduate employability. The YABATECH brand name on your CV opens doors like magic spells in the Nigerian financial world.

2. Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH)

 Another Lagos heavyweight, LASPOTECH’s Department of Banking and Finance is a powerhouse. Their program combines theoretical depth with practical exposure, ensuring graduates hit the ground running. LASPOTECH’s strong alumni network in the financial sector and its vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem provide invaluable support for aspiring financiers.

3. Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri

Nekede’s Banking and Finance program is a hidden gem. Boasting experienced faculty, modern facilities, and a focus on cutting-edge financial technologies, Nekede equips its graduates with the skills to thrive in the digital age of banking. Affordable fees and a supportive learning environment make Nekede a wise choice for budget-conscious dreamers.


4. Auchi Polytechnic, Edo State

Auchi Polytechnic’s School of Business Studies is a breeding ground for financial whizzes. Their HND Banking and Finance program is known for its emphasis on ethical practices and corporate social responsibility, shaping graduates who are not just money makers but also ethical stewards of the financial system.

5. Kaduna Polytechnic

This northern powerhouse is a launchpad for ambitious financiers. Kaduna Poly’s Department of Banking and Finance graduates are known for their strong work ethic, analytical skills, and problem-solving prowess. The polytechnic’s close ties to financial institutions in the north provide graduates with valuable internship and employment opportunities.

6. Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua

 This rising star in the southeastern educational scene is making waves with its innovative Banking and Finance program. Utilizing technology-driven learning and industry partnerships, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic equips graduates with the skills to navigate the ever-changing financial landscape.

7. Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti

 Ado-Ekiti’s Department of Banking and Finance offers a well-rounded education. Their program balances theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing graduates for diverse career paths in the financial sector. Ado-Ekiti’s focus on entrepreneurship and small business development makes it ideal for budding financiers with an entrepreneurial spirit.

8. Osun State Polytechnic, Iree

This southwestern gem offers a unique HND Banking and Finance program with a focus on Islamic banking and finance. Graduates from Iree are equipped with the knowledge and skills to cater to the growing demand for Shariah-compliant financial services in Nigeria. The polytechnic’s strong emphasis on ethical values and social responsibility makes it a popular choice for students seeking a meaningful career in finance.

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9. Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta

 Named after the legendary MKO Abiola, this Ogun State polytechnic is building a reputation for financial excellence. Their Banking and Finance program features experienced faculty, industry partnerships, and a strong emphasis on research and innovation. Moshood Abiola Polytechnic graduates are known for their critical thinking skills and ability to adapt to the ever-evolving financial landscape.

10. Lagos City Polytechnic

This private polytechnic in Ikeja, Lagos, is a rising star in the world of financial education. Their modern facilities, experienced faculty, and industry-focused curriculum attract ambitious students seeking a cutting-edge education. Lagos City Polytechnic’s strong international partnerships provide graduates with access to global career opportunities.


What are the admission requirements for studying Banking and Finance in polytechnics?

Most polytechnics require five O’level credits, including English Language and Mathematics. Some institutions may also require specific credits in subjects like Economics, Commerce, or Accounting. It’s important to check the specific requirements of your chosen polytechnic.

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