DELSU Cut off Mark 2022/2023 | Delta State University Cut off Mark (JAMB & Departmental Requirements )

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Are you interested in DELSU Cut off Mark for 2022/2023? or have you been asking “What is DELSU cut-off mark for 2022/2023? or have you been confused about the actual DELSU cut-off mark due to different informations you have gotten? If yes, feel relaxed caused you are on the right page and this article is for you as it contains all you need to know about the Delta State University Abraka minimum jamb cut-off mark for 2022/2023 and 2021 admission,and as well as DELSU departmental Cut off marks for all courses.Make sure you read it to an end.

DELSU has published the cut off mark for the 2022/2023 academic session. If you want to gain admission into DELSU then you need to know the cut off mark.

Lot of students have been asking us about DELSU Cut off Mark. In this article, we will provide them with the full information about DELSU Cut off mark

Is DELSU Cut-off mark Out?

This is to inform aspirants of the Delta State University, Abraka that the cut off mark for candidates has been announced. Those seeking admission into DELSU are to check the current UTME Cut off mark for DELSU for all courses on this page.

DELSU cut off mark for 2022/2023

DELSU has announced the cut-off mark expected of candidates who are applying for admission into the school. If you meet the cut-off mark, DELSU would likely grant you admission provided your O’Level result is good enough.

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DELSU is one of the best tertiary institutions in the country however, they have a fixed cut off mark for all admission seekers into the school. Candidates who have scored up to that in the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) Unified Tertiary Matriculations Examinations (UTME).

DELSU Cut off Mark 2022
The current UTME Cut off Mark for DELSU is 170. The Delta State University, Abraka is inviting candidates who made DELSU their first choice in the recently concluded UTME for admission into their department of choice.

The Delta State University Abraka, DELSU Cut-Off Mark is a minimum score or points a candidate who wants to apply for admission into the Delta State University Abraka must have in JAMB (UTME) before he or she will qualify to participate in the DELSU Post UTME screening exercise.

It must be further noted that there are two types of DELSU Cut-off marks namely; DELSU General cut-off mark and departmental cut-off points.

The management of the Delta State University Abraka has announced 170 and above as the latest cut-off mark for the school for 2022/2023 admission.

This means that the Delta State University Abraka, (DELSU) has adopted the minimum Cut-off mark of 170 for its 2022/2023 admission exercise.

You need to pass the DELSU cut-off mark of 170 to qualify for admission in 2022/2023.

This further entails that you need to either score exactly 170 in Jamb or above 170 before you can qualify to buy the Delta State University Abraka Post UTME form and be considered for admission in 2022.


DELSU Department Cut off Mark and Requirements 2022/2023?

Candidates are expected to have at least 5 Credits in their WASSCE or NECO Result in addition to scoring at least 170 in the UTME. That is the current cut off mark for all the departments in DELSU. Candidates who wish to apply for admission into Delta State University, Abraka should read about DELSU Post UTME and also visit DELSU Portal.

DELSU Departmental Cut Off Mark
DELSU Departmental cut off mark is 170. Subsequent changes to this cut off mark will be updated on The Delta State University, Abraka website. It has been stated that only candidates who put DELSU as their first choice are eligible to apply.

Post UTME Cut-off Points for candidates:

Delta State University(DELSU) departmental cut off marks are breakdown as follows:

1 Agriculture
Agric. Economics 45
Agriculture 45
Animal Science 45
Fisheries 45
Forestry & Wild Life 45
Soil Science 45
Crop Science 45
2 Arts
English & Literary Studies 48
Fine & Applied Arts 45
French 50
History & Inter. Studies 60
Linguistics 45
Linguistics/Urhobo 45
Music 50
Philosophy 45
Religious Studies 45
Theatre Art 45
3 Basic Medical Science
Anatomy and Cell Biology 50
Medical Biochemistry
Nursing Science 50
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Physiology 46
4 Clinical Science
Medicine & Surgery 86
5 Education
Agric Education 45
Biology Education 45
Business Education 45
Chemistry Education 45
Computer Education 45
Economics Education 45
English Education 45
Fine Art Education 45
French Education 45
Geography Education 45
Guidance & Counselling 45
Health Education 45
History Education 45
Home Economics 45
Integrated Science 45
Library & Information Science 45
Mathematics Education 45
Music Education 45
Physical and Health Education 45
Physics Education 45
Political Science Education 45
Religious Education 45
Social Science Education (Social Stud.) 45
6 Engineering
Chemical Engineering 45
Civil Engineering 45
Electrical Engineering 50
Mechanical Engineering 48
Petroleum Engineering 50
7 Law
Law 48
8 Management Science
Accounting and Finance 46
Banking & Finance 46
Business Administration 45
Marketing 45
9 Pharmacy
Pharmacy 56
10 Science
Animal & Environmental Biology
Biochemistry 50
Computer Science 46
Geology 46
Industrial Chemistry
Industrial Mathematics
Physics 45
Biochemistry Technology 45
Biological Technology 45
Chemistry Technology 45
Environmental Science Technology 45
Physics & Electronics Technology 45
11 Social Science
Accounting and Finance 46
Business Administration 46
Economics 45
Geography & Regional Planning 45
Mass Communication 45
Political Science 45
Psychology 45
Sociology 45
See also  Polytechnic of Ibadan released cut off mark for HND

Note: Only the candidates who scored 170 and above in the Joint Admissions & Matriculation Examination and who have chosen Delta State University as their First Choice in their application for admission are eligible for the post UTME screening exercise.

To stay updated, feel free to ask us questions and tell us what information you will like to be getting regarding Delta State University, Abraka Cut off mark.

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