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Have you been wondering that does world market accept ebt? If so, then you are on the right page. Feel relaxed and make sure you read the article to the end.

does world market accept ebt

World Market is an American specialty retail chain. It may not be your first stop for munchies, but the store’s grocery section offers a selection of peculiar and inviting foods imported from across the globe. It features the most eclectic purchases, ranging from confectionery you have never seen before to spices from the four corners of the world.

World Market is spread across 242 diverse locations in the United States, with 58 stores in California. Therefore, it is a fantastic spot for CalFresh recipients to get their hands on some affordable, world-class delicacies.


Does World Market accept EBT/Food Stamps/SNAP?

Does World Market take EBT? Yes, some World Market is a grocery store that accepts EBT in some locations in the United States. The figure is approximately 35% of those that accept EBT cards/food stamps.

The SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – food stamp assistance program) is managed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). A World Market store must meet one of the following criteria to become a USDA-authorized EBT/SNAP retailer:

*A specific variety and quantity of staple food items must be on hand.

*Must generate more than half of its gross retail sales from staple food items.

Many World Market locations do not meet the above requirements because they sell more housewares than staple food items. Therefore, not all stores of World Market take EBT cards as a widely-used payment method. And of course, you can only get things you can buy with food stamps.

How to find World Market locations that take EBT?

Enquire with your local World Market about its status as a SNAP-approved retailer, or use the USDA’s SNAP retailer locator.

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The 35% estimate above may not accurately reflect the proportion of EBT-accepting stores across the company. World Market corporate representatives could not confirm the total number of EBT-approved stores. So, check to see if the store you want to go to accepts EBT cards, and then begin shopping there.

What Payment Methods Does World Market Accept?

EBT food benefits are accepted as payment at participating CalFresh World Market stores. However, EBT payments are not accepted for delivery or pickup orders. With the exception of a small number of participating CalFresh locations, most World Market stores do not take EBT in California.

World Market only accepts cash as payment for in-store orders. However, it takes card payments for both in-store and online orders. Some commonly accepted cards include debit cards and credit cards such as American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and Discover. Further, World Market takes various contactless payments for in-store and online orders, including Afterpay, PayPal, and Apple Pay. It also accepts gift card payments for all of your orders.

World Market does not allow CODs, layaway plans, and store credit as payment options for online purchases.

World Market accepts CalFresh EBT payments only in select locations in the United States. All World Market stores must receive USDA approval to become authorized EBT retailers. World Market accepts EBT food benefits as payment for in-store purchases but not online.

EBT-Eligible Purchases

SNAP recipients can only use benefits to buy food items like bread, meat, and packaged snacks. Before you shop, you may want to check out our list of what you can and cannot buy with EBT. You will need to purchase any EBT-ineligible items in a separate transaction with a different payment method, such as cash or credit card.

How To Use a CalFresh EBT Card at World Market?

Firstly, you must find a World Market store that accepts EBT cards. You can call your local World Market store to inquire about its status as an authorized EBT retailer or use the CDSS’ EBT Map Finder to locate an EBT-accepting store near you.


Once you visit a CalFrersh authorized World Market store, you can pick out anything from the above list of CalFresh eligible items into your shopping cart. After shopping, head to the checkout and inform your cashier that you will pay with an EBT card. Next, swipe your EBT card at the Point-of-Sale (POS), or the cashier will swipe your card for you. You will need to enter the four-digit EBT PIN to complete your purchase.

It will be a simple process unless your EBT card has an insufficient balance. The simplest method to avoid these scenarios is to maintain the receipt from your most recent transaction, which shows the remaining balance in your EBT account. Alternatively, you can call the toll-free number 1-877-328-9677 (TTY: 1-800-735-2929) to reach EBT Customer Service. It is a free service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in ten languages, including English, Spanish, and Chinese.

What Can You Buy with Your CalFresh EBT at World Market?

All World Market stores participating in the CalFresh program comply with all restrictions placed by the USDA on what you can buy with your EBT food benefits.

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Not all products in a World Market grocery store are CalFresh eligible. It implies you can use your EBT food benefits to buy only the qualifying products at Whole Market and pay with a secondary payment method for the remainder of your order. Thus, it is necessary to understand which food items are covered under your CalFresh benefits.

You can use your EBT card to purchase the following CalFresh qualified items at a nearby World Market store:

  • Fruit and vegetables (fresh, frozen, or canned)
  • Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt
  • Bread and granola bars
  • Packed grains such as rice and beans
  • Packed and uncooked pasta and noodles
  • Meats and seafood
  • Cookies and cakes
  • Baking mixes and other baking products
  • Chocolate and candy
  • Packed snacks such as chips, popcorn, nuts, and crackers
  • Oils and vinegar
  • Sauces and condiments
  • Herbs, spices, and seasonings
  • Jams and spreads
  • Tea, coffee, and cocoa powders
  • Drink syrups and mixes
  • Fruit juice, soda, and energy drinks
  • Bottled water
  • Plants and seeds for growing your food
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Contact your local county office for a detailed list of CalFresh eligible items.

What Can You Buy with Your CalFresh EBT at World Market?

Essentially, the USDA restricts CalFresh recipients from using their EBT food benefits to pay for hot and ready-to-eat food. Additionally, you can only redeem your food benefits on groceries and self-prepared, nutritious food items. These limits are imposed to prevent CalFresh recipients from utilizing their food benefits to splurge on frivolous luxuries.

You can buy a lot of satisfying and nutritious foods with your CalFresh benefits, except for a few select food items that are not CalFresh eligible. Knowing which products are not CalFresh eligible can help you organize your order and prepare a backup payment method if needed.

You can not use your EBT card to purchase the following non-CalFresh eligible items at a nearby World Market store:

  • Hot and ready-to-eat foods
  • Alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, and spirits
  • Cigarettes and other tobacco products
  • Medicines, vitamins, and other dietary supplements
  • Pet food
  • Toiletries and household supplies
  • Furniture
  • Pillows, curtains, and rugs
  • Home decor accessories
  • Lighting accessories such as chandeliers, lamps, and scones
  • Mirrors and wall decor
  • Kitchen tools and accessories
  • Cookware and tableware
  • Jewelry and clothing
  • Bath and body care products
  • Other non-food items

World Market accepts CalFresh EBT payments only in select locations in the United States. All World Market stores must receive USDA approval to become authorized EBT retailers. World Market accepts EBT food benefits as payment for in-store purchases but not online.

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