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This is to inform all candidates that made it Into UNILORIN in 2021 Session that the portal for the payment of tution fee has been Activated.


See the steps to make the payment below;


To be eligible for clearance as an admitted candidate the conditions set out by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board and the University of Ilorin must be met.

JAMB Conditions

Candidate’s admission must have been approved on the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

Candidate must have accepted the offer of admission as approved by the JAMB.

Registration Procedure on the University Site

Step I: Confirmation of Admission Status

1. While on the University of Ilorin Website, locate Portals, click on the Undergraduate link

2. Click on the Admission Screening Login

3. Enter your JAMB Registration Number Login ID and Surname, click login.

4. Click on Check Admission Status link to confirm your admission status.

5. Pay the Clearance Charge using your ATM Card within two weeks(Please note that the supported ATM Cards on the Remita platform for the university payments are Visa and Master Card)


Step II: Clearance Procedure

1. Upload your documents as required for admission clearance (Scratch Card/Token details for your O’ Level is required).

See also  Courses In Achievers University

2. Wait for confirmation of clearance before you proceed to the next stage of registration.


Applicants who have been given admission should proceed with clearance and thereafter wait for announcements of resumption of academic session before proceeding to the departments.

Step III: Course Registration

  • Go to your department and interact with your Level Adviser and/or HOD on the Courses to be registered.
  • Login to your Portal and update your bio-data carefully.
  • You will be required to change your initial Password from your surname to a confidential one.
  • In case you forget your password, use the password recovery function.
  • Click on Course Registration link to proceed with your Course registration, as defined by the Level Adviser and/or HOD.
  • Submit the filled form for the approval of your Level Adviser.
  • Upon level adviser’s approval, print your preliminary Course Registration Form and ensure correctness.
  • Pay the appropriate University charges as provided in your portal (Please note that some payment platforms may not recognise special characters such as ; ,: , ”).

Note: Failure to validate registered Courses with the Level Advisers before payment may attract extra charges for late add/drop form to make amendment(s).


  • Ensure that there is enough balance in your bank account(s).
  • Upon successful payment, print Receipt of payment and four copies of the final Course Registration Form in color.
  • Forward the FOUR copies of the Form to your Level Adviser and Faculty Officer for appropriate signatures

Collect one copy as yours from the Faculty Office

Keep your copy safely as you would need it for your Examinations and final clearance on graduation.

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