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BCAT certificate
Board Certified Autism Technician
Certification as a Board Certified Autism Technician (BCAT) certificate demonstrates autism-specific competency and a commitment to consumer safety by entry-level individuals who treat the deficits and behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder using the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis and under the supervision of a qualified health care professional (QHCP). A qualified health care professional is an individual who is qualified by education, training, and licensure (when applicable) who performs a professional service within his/her scope of practice and independently reports that professional service. QHCPs who are qualified to direct BCATs include Board Certified Autism Professionals (BCAP), Board Certified Behavior Analysts, licensed psychologists, or licensed and/or certified professionals with applied behavior analysis in their scope of practice acting within their competency.

What is BCAT Certficate?
Professional certification is different than a training or educational program. Training programs offer a certificate of attendance when an individual completes the coursework, but they do not generally award a credential or require ongoing recertification. The BCAT certificate program was developed using a nationally recognized process to define the roles and responsibilities of behavior technicians. Behavior technicians who meet the eligibility requirements and pass the exam are granted use of the BCAT credential.

The BCAT exam is 175 multiple choice items. Candidates have 3 hours to complete the exam. Topics covered by the exam are listed below, followed by a detailed content outline.

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The Behavioral Intervention Certification Council (BICC), Board Certified Autism Technician (BCAT) is an entry-level certification for professionals who treat the deficits and behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorders. BCATs demonstrate autism-specific competency and a commitment to consumer safety using the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis under the supervision of a qualified health care professional (QHCP). Candidates must meet education and experience eligibility requirements and pass a written exam.

  • BCAT certificate Requirements
    Minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent
    40 Hours Training
    15 Hours Experience
    Adhere to Code of Conduct
    Pass ongoing background
    Pass BCAT Exam
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Free BCAT Certification Virtual Course, June 23-24
This webinar program prepares participants for certification in a formal brand alignment process, probably more necessary than ever in the new work-from-home world.

BCATThe Brand and Culture Alignment Toolkit and measurement process is designed to improve overall engagement and performance through brand alignment. The BCAT method helps organizations identify the paradigm of its “best self” and inspire everyone to align themselves and their actions to a common vision and mission.

The process, led by a BCAT Certified Practitioner, includes a unique pre- and post-meeting alignment survey tool and collaborative process that can be conducted through virtual meetings to help everyone at every level align their activities and priorities with the organization’s brand, explains Al Cini, founder.

The company offers a training program for professionals seeking to become a BCAT Certified Practitioner. The next virtual classes will be delivered online June 23-24, 1 pm to 4:30 pm ET. Tuition is free if people register by June 1; after that, it’s $795. Click here to learn more and sign up or call 855-999-BCAT. Participation is limited to no more than 10 participants per class.

According to Meg Hanington, Principal at Beacon Partners, Princeton, NJ, who has participated in the program, “The BCAT is an amazing methodology and Beacon Partners is so excited to be a BCAT Certified Practitioner. We are still learning, and there is a lot to learn, but we know we can count on getting the support we need to apply it successfully until we are up and running with 100% confidence. We look forward to bringing this tool to our current and prospective clients.”

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Adds Brett Felmey, CEO at Ivate Solutions, Princeton, NJ, “BCAT is a great program. It boils down and replaces weeks of brainstorming in organizational development meetings or in corporate board rooms and departments, saving time and resources. Don’t bother to gather folks and create your own program. This is Inclusive, streamlined, and based on data and years of best practices in organizational development.”

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