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The rate of Corruption in this Country is directly proportional to Population at Constant Government. The “Economic Financial Crime Commission (EFCC)” always brings different cases of Corruption into the ear of the citizens, however, it keep accelerating.

Dear fellow Nigerians, is how this malady will continue?. Besides, are we certain that each and everyone of us in this country is Safe?. Of course not!. Then it dawns on us to ensure this country is purified from all grips of corruption. In a bid to quench the flames of this “social virus” it is pertinent to ask ourselves questions. The first question that comes to mind is what are the solutions to this taciturn act.

I then look at the situation and proffer apt solutions to it. Obviously, Before one can suggest solutions to problems, one need to crystallize the causes and understand its Concept.


Now, what causes Corruption?


Generally, the corruption in this country has become a lacuna (especially among the lazy People, Feminine, teenagers, youth, public office holders etc) which increases by 75% in this 21st Century. By research, Some of the causes are; Poverty, Bad Government, Internet fraud, Unemployment, lack of integrity, to mention but a few… Now, to the Preventive measures to scourge posing insufferable challenges. The rate at which the corruption inclining each seconds can be curbed by:



(1) Government as promised should provide Job for Youth. There need to be increase in the company around the country. The approximation of Nigeria’s size by land mass is 923,768 Increase of manpower in the Industry within the country can drastically reduce the rate of Corruption.

(2) Most of the parents are not financially bouyant, so they expect their children to remain constant as they were treated by their own parents. This is not possible because of the circumstance and condition of our Nation in this 21st century. Nevertheless, our parents are not to be blamed. However, we, the children are at fault. Imagine a child been raised by his parents and still depends on them before getting a job. That’s obsolete! You have to try your path, maintain your lane, along the way, you can find a ladder to your success point. I am pretty sure that some students lack learning resources and some were sent to a public school. Well, are those excuses?! You said yes, right? That’s not a valid excuse but signs of unreadiness. Note in mind that no one will make it in life without passing through challenges.

(3) The issue of Internet fraud has worsened the matter (Corruption). You can ask your parents, at what age did they start using telephone. Till now most parents can’t operate these tools. You will find youths of nowadays being online 24/7 in the course of engaging in internet fraud. Aaah!! this is so bad. However, Internet on the other hand have provided a lot of employment opportunities not only for youths but also for most of our parents who happen to be computer literate.


In this 21st century, who is to blame.? This question is directly to you and I. You, yes the readers of this pithy article who is using his gadget to defraud are to blame.

Who do you need to blame?. Your parents are not to blame because they are not the deciders of whatever you choose to do with your devices They can only try to monitor the usage of such devices. Though, some parents are to be blamed for not finding it worthy to monitor the devices of their child(Ren). I, as a parent who buy a Laptop for my child must know how he/she have been using it. Either positive way (learning) or otherwise.

Again, The Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act Cap C31, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 established the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC), which is one of the major anti corruption agencies in Nigeria. “The Act generally prohibits the various perceived acts of corrupt practices arising from interactions or transactions involving public/government officers and the general public or private individuals. The basic thrust of the Act is prohibition of corrupt practices and bribery, the essential elements of which are: giving or receiving a thing of value to influence an official act. The Act defines corruption to include bribery, fraud and other related offences while persons are defined to include natural persons, juristic persons or any body of persons corporate or incorporate. Although the Act seems to focus more on acts of corruption in public offices, institutions and parastatals, it equally seeks to curb corrupt practices in private business transactions and inter personal relationships among individuals and persons.”


It’s high time I paused here, appreciate the ink of my Pen by sharing it to friends, foes (who are engaged in corrupt practices. Precisely, Internet fraud and/or who had been planning to go into it) neighbors, enlight them, share to your broadcast groups. And you personally make use of it.


I Remain my Identity.

Abdullahi Bello

(Tutor, Education Consultant and CEO of BELLAB CONCEPT 🌎)


You can reach me via any of this channels.

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Thanks For your Time.


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