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Are you interested in knowing what gas station accept venmo? If so, then you are on the right page. Feel relaxed and make sure you read the article to the end.

what gas station accept venmo

Although Venmo has more than 50 million users, there’re some stores and gas stations that don’t accept its payment. Still, some alternatives will help you get the most out of your Venmo account.

Chevron has announced that its new Texaco and Chevron smartphone apps will have Venmo as an option for payment, according to a press release.

Chevron is the first fuel company to accept Venmo for gas purchases at the pump.

“Chevron updated its branded mobile applications to offer consumers access to Venmo to pay for fuel and car washes at the pump from their mobile devices,” said Bill Miner, Chevron’s general manager of Americas Marketing Sales & Services. “The addition of Venmo continues our strategy to inject innovation into retail fuel transactions to help provide customers with flexibility and seamless interaction with our brands.”

About 40 million people use Venmo in the U.S., and the integration will let users share or split their purchases.

“Enabling Venmo as a payment method within our app is key in our quest to help create a new fueling experience for consumers,” Miner said. “With Venmo’s popularity among consumers and our presence in retail fueling, more consumers will be able to use the payment methods they prefer in our mobile apps to fill up with our high-quality Chevron- and Texaco-branded fuels.”

The apps are compatible with both iOS and Android devices and available in the App Store and the Google Play Store.

In October, Venmo announced it was going to offer cash-back rewards. The rewards were announced for the payment company’s Mastercard debit card at certain retailers. The offers for cash back will rotate.

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Earlier last year, PayPal teamed up with Synchrony Financial to introduce a Venmo co-branded credit card.

“For 15 years, Synchrony has been a strategic partner in offering credit cards that enable greater purchasing power and rewards for PayPal consumers,” said PayPal CEO Dan Schulman at the time. “We are pleased to deepen our relationship with Synchrony to bring groundbreaking new credit experiences to the Venmo community through a desirable credit card and a seamless in-app experience.”


Gas Stations like Texaco and Chevron accept Venmo payment. Download the Chevron app, Link Your Venmo Account, Select the gas pump number you’re at, enter the fuel capacity you want, pick Venmo as your payment method, and click confirm.


Do Gas Stations Accept Venmo?

Yes, you can use Venmo to pay for gas or other purchases at gas stations that accept online payment. Even if paying directly from your Venmo wallet isn’t an available option, some gas station apps allow you to pay using Venmo as a payment method.

What’s The Maximum Amount You Can Transfer On Venmo?

If you didn’t verify your identity, you’d have a sending limit of $299.99 per week. Once you’ve verified your identity, you’d have an overall combined limit of $6,999.99 each week.


Concept of Hold Charge while using Venmo at gas station

To avoid unwanted surprises, you should be aware of the hold charge which comes into play when you swipe the Venmo card at the gas pump (To avoid hold charges- Just go inside and pay at the register at the pump).

The hold charges are actually applicable for all debit cards, as it is a way of pre-checking if your card has an adequate balance to pay for the fuel. The gas stations don’t know what your final amount of gas you fill will be, when you use the pump . Thus, a fixed hold amount is debited on your card temporarily to pre-check your balance and gets reversed later.


The amount of hold charge varies from pump to pump and can be as high as $50 to $100 for some gas pumps. The hold charges are usually reversed on the same day but it can take up to 3 days.

So the hold charge can be much higher than cost of your gas and cause transaction declines as well.

Due to this hold charge, your Venmo card get debited for an amount greater than cost of the gas your bought.

To AVOID this charge, you can go inside and pre-pay for at the register for actual amount of gas you want to get (instead of swiping card at the pump).

This does require you to take the extra trouble to walk-in, estimate the amount of gas you want and pay first. But you save yourself from the trouble of having to bear a hold charge and wait for its reversal.

In case, you choose to swipe your Venmo card directly at gas station pump (without going inside), make sure you have adequate balance in your Venmo account- to cover the additional hold charge and avoid a decline. Also, be patient to get the reversal of the hold charges.

For some gas stations, it can even exceed $100. Your actual cost of gas gets charged later as a separate transaction that releases the authorization hold.


Most people get confused about these charges. They also have complaints about the delay in refund of pre-authorisation charge. It’s actually a temporary block on your funds and can be a bit of pain.

What Gas Stations Accept Venmo?

Chevron and Texaco are the first gas stations to accept Venmo payments at the gas pump, and the payment process is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is to link your Venmo account to the Chevron app and use it to make payments.


How to Use Venmo at Gas Stations?

Gas stations like Chevron allow you to pay directly from Venmo through their app. And since the Chevron mother company owns Texaco, you can use the same process there. To do so:

1. Get Chevron App

  • Download the Chevron app. (It’s available in both the App and Google Play store.)
  • Enter your phone number and email to sign up and create your account.
  • Enter the verification code to verify your account.

2. Next, Link Your Venmo Account

  1. In the Chevron app, go to “Wallet.”
  2. Click on “Payment Methods.”
  3. Tap on the plus icon to link Venmo as your payment method—you must log in to your Venmo account on your phone before adding it as a payment method in the Chevron App.

3. Purchase Fuel

  • At the gas station, open the app and select “Fuel”—that’ll display your geolocation—then click “Confirm Location.”
  • Select the gas pump number you’re at, enter the fuel capacity you want, pick Venmo as your payment method, and click confirm.
  • Once the payment is authorized, “Begin Fueling” will appear on your screen, and you can start fueling your car.

How To Pay For Gas Using Venmo QR Code?

You can scan QR codes on gas pumps in the Venmo app to pay for gas. Just open the Venmo app, tap on Scan (You’ll find it on the home screen at the bottom), scan the QR code, and confirm to make the payment.

If the QR code on the gas pump isn’t working, you can pay at the gas register by letting the cashier scan your Venmo QR code to proceed with the payments.

  • Tap on “Scan” in the Venmo app, then tap on “Show to Pay”—you’ll have to update Venmo to the latest version if you can’t see this button.
  • Let the cashier scan the QR and confirm the transaction.

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