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When you work with clay for the first time, you will want to know what to wear to Pottery class. You want to be properly dressed and comfortable, and you don’t want to ruin your clothes. Although many clays wash right out, the darker clays can stain.

When you’re doing pottery, it’s important to wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move freely. You don’t want your clothes to get in the way or to restrict your movements. Baggy clothes can be a hazard, and tight clothing can make it difficult to move around. This article will discuss what you should wear when doing pottery. I will also provide some simple tips while working with clay.

Online you’ll see happy potters stood next to finished products looking clean, unblemished, and very put together.

If I told you that they had changed and showered before that photo would you believe me?

Because you should.

Pottery is not tidy or clean. It’s a messy, raw, getting back to nature, chaotic creation.

You’ll end up with clay splattering around and flying off the wheel, you’ll forget you have clay on your hands and you’ll scratch your head or wipe your face, and you’ll almost definitely wipe your hands on your clothes.

Which is why I will never advise you to wear your beautiful designer jeans, jewellery, or anything more than holey, paint stained, should-I-donate-to-a-thrift-store clothing to pottery classes!

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Here’s what to wear to a pottery class:

wear layers. It can sometimes be a little cool in the studio because we’re creating the perfect environment for the pottery

What to wear to Pottery class

wear old clothes. When you’re starting out things can get a *little* messy!

turn up jewellery free, unless you want to be carefully removing clay from your wedding rings every week

What to wear to Pottery class:

Closed-toed shoes are essential. Most potters have a pair of comfortable old shoes that they wear in the studio to keep their feet warm and protect themselves against dropped pottery tools or stubbing their toes.
Potters have found that jewellery like bracelets, bangles, large rings and loose hanging necklaces may interfere with their work and could get caught up, so we recommend you remove jewellery while working in the studio.
Pottery hands and fingernails
While it is possible to work clay and have long fingernails, it is a challenge. Potters use their hands, their fingers and particularly their finger-tips when shaping pots on the pottery wheel. Long nails can make that difficult.
When working with glazes, disposable gloves can be a good idea to keep your hands free from the glaze chemicals. Gloves when throwing clay are problematic though.
So you will get clay on your hands and have to wash it off several times in each studio session.

We’ve often had people leave without engagement rings or ruin nice clothing. Don’t let this be you. Prepare for a grubby evening filled with fun!

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